
TenIQ(pronounced “tenick”) High IQ Network is a network of 3 reputable high IQ societies each with its own membership criteria and unique objectives. Our combined membership count of over 1,300 includes highly intelligent individuals from all over the world.

We have Global High IQ Society which is one of the most inclusive high IQ societies in that it allows members in the top 10 percent of the population to join and have access to our private social network which also has challenging games and puzzles for our members to stimulate their minds.

If you prefer more exclusivity you also have the option of joining Callidus High IQ Society, which is an inexpensive online alternative to Mensa with the same selection criteria without the annual fees. To qualify for membership you must have an IQ in the top 2 percent of the world’s population.

If Callidus and is not exclusive enough for you there is also Torr, which only accepts applicants in the top 0.13 percent for membership making it one of the most stringent acceptance criteria among high IQ societies. Like Global High IQ Society Torr has a private social network that includes challenging brain games for mental stimulation.

For more information on how to join any one or more of our societies please contact our Support Team.